Launched as Wangs rather than Widgets from the Mitchel and Web Sketch
Widget Film.
The original video from the Kickstarter project
A super simple & effective gaming tool.
Track scores/wounds & damage on your models/units
in tabletop & roll play games...100% in under 24 hrs!
181% funded on KickstarterWIDGET
way to Track and Display wounds and damage in game.
The O' ring fits snugly on the plastic arrow but can be moved with minimal pressure into the next groove.
Tight enough that it can't accidentally be nudged and your score lost!
Point it at your models, sit it on top of the models base if it is large enough even, tracking wounds/damage and removing points by rolling down to the last when it’s slain. The WoundWidget can follow your hero and point at them adventuring across your tabletop warzone.
181% funded on Kickstarter,
100% in under 24 hrs!WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR WIDGET?
What suits your army, mood or game?
What do you favour on your table; bright and conspicuous in orange or a little more subtle in the translucent grey?
Sit it on the data sheet off table even?!
This is what you get in a standard set:
Smaller Widget count 1,3,5,9.
The larger Widget, having both Tens and Units, these are for your Great beasts and Warmachines and count far higher...
A ruler measuring 1,2,3 and 6 inches.
A command Widget (crown tip and small skull icon) and with space for Command points and turns.
A score widget for those games that need it (trophy icon). 100+
Need something different?
Drop me a line and I'll be happy to quote on a custom set.WIDGET SHOP
- OPEN -
WoundWidget Battle Set
The Battle Set in your choice of colour.
This new set now Includes:
WoundWidget Mk3 Battle Set pictured and their O'Rings.
X2 Admin Widgets for counting scores, turns, command points etc.
A 1/2/3/6 Movement ruler.
X6 Skull markers.
Click image to view ColoursSelectQuantityComing soonCustom Widget
The Widget you want (you need nothing but 10's for Bolt Action perhaps or 20'2 or 30's for Frostgrave?) in your choice of colour with customisation if you like.
mail monkdxiii@gmail.com for a quote.QuantityComing soonWhat the other nerds out there think of the WOUNDWIDGET*
*and its previous name WOUNDWANG
Widget Hammered
A Glowing Review from Goonhammer
"If you’d like a good solid set of markers for your battlefield and you really want to do away with fiddly trackers or easily-confused dice, this is a solid recommend. The Widgets and O-Ring system is a great idea that works simply and incredibly well, and it’s a bit of a wonder to me that noone had done it before! For accurate recording, ease of use and visual clarity, these are a great option at a great price and overall well worth checking out."Guerrilla Widget
Widgets and Wonders Ep 138
The most excellent Ash at GMG reviews the widgets.Frosty Widget
Joseph A. McCullough author of #Frostgrave #Stargrave and a multitude of other gaming titles, and all round nice chap has WoundWand for his #wizard at #ukgamesexpoGallery
Wizards, Kittens, Giant Robots, Nerd Stuffz, Giant Robots. Wizard Kittens coming soon :P
Googly Eyed Skull
The Wound Widget is made by this rambling nerd with a y0uTub3 channel.
Kitbashing, titting about building and painting Spess Muhroins +Wizards, Cats, Giant Robots.
Giant Robots Wizard Kittens coming soon
Copyright Neal Mönk Stevens 2017
In association with the excellent humans of HATE club.